Hands Over Face Effect – Photoshop Action Free Download Create hands over face effect easily by using this action. Supported Photoshop Version Adobe Photoshop CC and above This action will only work in English version of Photoshop. If you want you can also download. Photoshop Action
Easy to use
2 step action
Instruction action
Auto prompt to place second image
Quickest way to achieve hand over face effect
Works with any image resolution
Non-destructive action
Well arranged layers
Works with horizontal and vertical image If you want you can also download. Photoshop Effect
Files Included
Actions (ATN)
We have shown you the Preview image below, in which you can see how Amazing all its Effects are.
Download the file easily from the download link given below
Password is : dgpik.com
How to Load Photoshop Action
1. After you open Photoshop go to the Actions panel (Window > Actions)
2. Inside the Actions window, click on the top right hand corner icon to reveal the menu
From here select “Load Actions…”. Select the “Hands Over Face Effect” Action that you bought
3. In actions panel you will have a folder with your new actions.
1. You are running the English version of Photoshop.
2. Click on menu icon at the right on “LAYERS” panel and go to “Panel Option…”,
and check the “Add “copy” to Copied Layers and Groups”.
You are required have two types of images that will be needed to achieve this effect
1. Face image without hands
2. Face image with hands
Watch video tutorial here – https://youtu.be/GVSFKksW4ow
1. Open your first photo (File > Open) – Face image without hands
2. Play action “STEP 1”
3. Choose second image – Face image with hands
4. Resize it to fit your background photo and hit “Enter” to commit changes.
5. Choose Ellipse Tool and draw focus area around your subject’s face.
6. Play action “STEP 2”
Note :
If you want to resize the focus area, play action “Resize Focus Area”, and adjust the focus area by dragging the activated bounding box.
If you want to adjust the feather value of focus area, play action “Adjust Focus Area Feather”, click on “Focus Area” layer mask, drag the feather slider to left or right to adjust.