Digital Art Effect Photoshop Action

Digital Art Photoshop Action Free Download Create amazing artistic, digital painting photo effects from your photos with just a few clicks! Open your photo, simply brush over your subject and just play the action. It’s really that simple! Creating this advanced digital painting photo effect has never been this easy and fun.

The action will do all the work for you, leaving you fully layered and customizable results that you can further modify. Every element is a single layer. The action will also create 40 color looks that you can choose from.

Digital Art Effect Photoshop Action


  • Simple, easy and fun to use – even for complete beginners.
  • Saves hours and days of work.
  • Fully layered and customizable results – every element is a single layer.
  • Lot of options for customizing the results.
  • 40 preset color looks included.


The action is tested and working in Photoshop (English versions) CS6, CC, CC 2015.5, CC 2017, CC 2018, CC 2019, CC 2020+ (with the ‘Oil Paint’ filter available).

The action is only working in English versions of Photoshop. If you are using another language, you can change the language in this way. After you play the action, you can change it back to your native language.
How to use the action:
1. Go to File > Open, choose your photo and click “Open” to open a photo to work with.
2. Go to Layer > New > Layer to create new layer, and name it “brush” (Important: all letters must be
lower case).
3. With the “brush” layer selected, brush over your photo.
4. Now hit “B” on the keyboard and right click anywhere over the canvas to bring up the “Brushes”
5. Click on the top right hand corner icon in the “Brushes” panel to reveal the drop down menu and
select “Load Brushes”.
6. Choose the “Digital Art_ Brushes abr” file that came with download.
7. Select “Pattern Stamp Tool (S)” and click on the arrow icon next to patterns thumbnail in the top
8. Click on the top right hand corner icon in the “Patterns” panel to reveal the drop down menu and
select “Load Patterns”.
9. Choose the “Digital Art Patterns pat” file that came with download.
10. Now open the “Digital Art” action folder, choose the “Digital Art” action and click on “Play” button.

We have shown you the Preview image below, in which you can see how amazing all its effects are.

Digital Art Effect Photoshop Action Free

Download the file easily from the download link given below

Password is :

Download dgpik

How to Load Photoshop Action

How to install the action:

1. Start Photoshop, go to the “Window” menu and select “Actions”. A window will now appear to the
right hand side.
2. Inside the “Actions” window, click on the top right hand corner icon to reveal the drop down menu
and from there select “Load Actions”. Select the action which came with the download and click “Load”.
3. The action will now appear in the actions panel
Before you play the action check the following:
1. Your photo is in “RGB” color mode
2. Your photo is in “8bit” color mode
3. Make sure that your image is “Background” layer, if it is not, just go to Layer > New > Background
from Layer.
4. You are running the English version of Photoshop.
5. If you are using another language, watch the video below to see how you can change it to English.
6. Please don’t use small resolution images. For best results use photos that are between 2500px –
4500px high/wide.