Atom CS3+ Photoshop Action Free download Just open your picture, brush over your object and play the action! You will get stunning particle effect on your photo in few minutes and One clicks.
Just open your picture, brush over your object and play the action! You will get stunning particle effect on your photo in few minutes and clicks.
- 6 color filters included;
- No skills required, video and text tutorial available.
- This action was tested in Adobe Photoshop from CS4 and to the actual version.
- All of my actions are multilingual so no matter what language you use – it will work!
- It is non destructive for your picture and your Background layer stay untouched.
- All layers are named, structurized and placed to folders.
- Different result every time!
Please note: the recommended size for this action is from 1500 pixels on the smaller side to 5000 pixels on the biggest side.
1. Open Actions Panel (F9 / Window –› Actions);
2. Use menu “File › Open…” to load the action;
3. Load Brushes from the package:
1) Use menu “Edit › Presets › Preset Manager” for CS6+ versions
or “Edit › Preset Manager” for CS3-CS5 versions;
2) Choose “Preset Type: Brushes” and load brush file;
4. Open your picture (1500 – 5000 px, 3000 optimal, 72-300 dpi);
5. Create new empty layer, name it “brush” (all lowercase);
6. Paint over your object on “brush” layer;
7. Create new empty layer, name it “atoms”;
8. Paint lines where you want to make atoms;
9. Choose the action “Make Atom” and play it;
10. Make visible filters that you like inside “filters” group.
We have shown you the Preview image below, in which you can see how amazing all its effects are.
- Non destructive effect;
- Tested and works on pictures with 1500-5000px width images, any resolution;
- 6 color filters;
- Structurized and editable PSD-file;
Different result every time! Action has been tested and works in CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC2014, CC2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, versions. Works in any language Photoshop Versions.
The package contains 2 files:
- Atom ATN
- Atom Brushes ABR
Download the file easily from the download link given below
Password is :
How to Load Photoshop Action
How to use Photoshop Action
Photoshop actions are pre-recorded sequences of commands that you can apply to your images to automate repetitive tasks and achieve consistent results. Here are the steps to use a Photoshop action:
- Open the Actions panel: Go to Window > Actions or press Alt+F9 (Windows) or Option+F9 (Mac).
- Load the action: Click on the Actions panel menu button (the three lines at the top right corner) and choose “Load Actions”. Select the .atn file of the action you want to use.
- Play the action: Find the action in the Actions panel and click on the play button (the triangle icon) to start the action. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut assigned to the action (if any) or create a new shortcut by right-clicking on the action and choosing “Action Options”.
- Adjust the settings: Some actions may have customizable settings such as opacity, blend mode, or color. You can adjust these settings by following the prompts or using the settings panel that appears during the action.
- Save the image: Once the action is completed, you can save the modified image by going to File > Save As or using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+S (Windows) or Command+Shift+S (Mac).
Remember that not all actions are compatible with all versions of Photoshop, and some actions may not work as expected with certain types of images. It’s always a good idea to test the action on a duplicate of your original image before applying it to your final work.