3 Vector Cartoon painting Effect Photoshop Action dgpik

Create Creative 3 Vector Cartoon painting Effect Photoshop Action Free Download from your photo with just one click! Simply download the action file, install it in your Adobe Photoshop, open the photo, and play the action. It’s very easy and fast! You Can Also Downlaod  3 Painting Cartoonizer And Smudge Oil Painting Photoshop Action

3 Vector Cartoon painting Effect Photoshop Action dgpik


This is a Photoshop CC compatible action to the high version.- This pack is everything you need to edit your photos and take your game or everyday photos to the next level! You will find all kinds of effects in this pack: nature, architecture, streets, urban, portraits, landscapes, trending, Cinematic, moody and much more. You Can Also Downlaod Realistic Painting Pro Photoshop Actions

Files include: Photoshop Action

Application Supported, Adobe Photoshop

File Type, ATN


This is an action compatible with photoshop CC version

3 Vector Cartoon painting Effect Photoshop Action Free dgpik

How to install & run the action:

1. Double click on the .ATN file then action will automatically install in Photoshop.

2. Now go to Window -> Actions OR press on keyboard F9.

3. It will show Actions Panel. Open your photo. Select the action and play it.


1. Open a photo to work with

2. Go to action pallete, open the actions folder, select the action you want to run.

3. Now click play on the action!

Zip File Password: dgphotoshop.in

The file is compressed using Zip or Rar format…please use Winrar to extract this file

How to Load Photoshop Action