Reflective Painting Photoshop Actions Free Download Create your artwork with reflect and painting effects action. Your photo will become softer and more romantic when it becomes a Reflection of the water. Photoshop Actions That is made easy with just a few clicks. After the action is completed, the painting is complete, you can customize the sketches, colors, brightness, sharpness, calm water or ripples, etc.
“Reflective Painting” have tested and working on CS5, CS6, CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2017, CC 2018, CC 2019, CC23+(Multi-languages). Download More Ultra Painting Effect Photoshop Action Free
This package includes: Reflective Painting.atn,
Quickly, easy to use, layers are individually editable, save time, save money.
Hope these actions is useful for you!
All of texts and images are not included.
For the best Results:
You need to use high resolution photos in the range of 1500px – 4000px width/length. Smaller photos may produce unexpected results.
1. Open Photoshop, go to the ‘File’ menu and select ‘Open'(Ctrl+O).
2. Browse to the “Action” folder. Select Reflective Painting.atn and click Open button.
3. The action will now appear in the actions panel.
1. Open Photoshop. Open your photo, create a new layer, edit its name into “focus”,
brush over the area you want to show “reflect”
2. Choose 1 in 2 actions and run.
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